Oct 23, 2009

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What do I Think About Learning
ICT in Biology

Learning this course making myself more confident to manage students in the class. This course have some individual and grouping assignments to be completed. All this assignments like Interactive White Board (IWB) by using Smart Board Software, was aided us in making lots of variation and increase attractiveness in our learning lesson. We have learn how to use this IWB correctly by Cik Siti Samsiah with the guided from Dr. Sopia. This IWB is easier to use as the software has been provided. We just have to load the Smart Board Software to our own notebook and can use it right after the installation. This software provided with some application that will help students to trigger their imagination like virtual frog dissecting process. So, the students can trying this application on their own like they dissects the frog by themselves in reality. As we all know, this imagination skill is a very essential component in learning and understanding Sciences subjects.

Moreover, we also learn how to make an experiments using Data Logger in this course. Data logger is an electronic device that records data over time with a built in instrument or sensors. This sensors such as Dissolve Oxygen, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and many more types of sensors can help ourself in making more accurate experiments. This device also have to connect to computer in order to interpret the experiments results in the form of graph or table. Thus, the very small changing in results of the experiments can be observed through this graph and table.

I know within this course i can improve my skills in handling ICT while in the teaching and learning precess. Hopefully I can use this skills and devices that i have learned in this course optimally for my future career.

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