Oct 22, 2009

My Plant Physiology Simposium Project

Dr. Hasimah binti Alimon, lecturer's of Plants Physiology (TBF 3023) had given a task for a mini project to semester 3 Biology Educational students. Dr. Hasimah gives different types of task for every groups. For my group consist of Marena, Khairiah, Aziah and myself, have to make some research regarding water pollution treatment. We have to come out with a proposal in making the experiments to prove our research. As the group decision, we choose to setup an experiment to prove that Ketapang leaves are helpful in water pollution treatment for themarine's life. As the planned, our research were exhibit at the simposium at Foyer of Chancellory Building.

My simposium group members
(from left behind : me and Marena , from left in front : Aziah and Khairiah)

This is our booth at the simposium.

Methodology of the experiments.

The experiment results.

The variable description.
(Ketapang, Getah and Kelapa Sawit leaves)

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